Rabbitfish Change Color

Fishkeeping is very nice and great, especially seeing different types of fish exhibit their various behaviors, but some behaviors of some fish could either get you alarmed or amazed, especially if it is your first time seeing such from that particular fish. You will agree with me if you have seen a Rabbitfish change or alter its normal colors before. I usually get many questions like this asking “if a particular fish could change color” in this article, you will learn if Rabbit fish could change colors or not and why they may if they can, so read to the end.

Do Rabbit Fish change color? Rabbitfish could change color as a result of stress or lightning.

It is a well-known fact that many fish could change or alter their colors as you may call it due to some reasons.

Rabbitfish fish are very colorful and fine saltwater fish.

They are very good fish for a community tank due to their non-aggressive nature.

They are Tropical saltwater fish and could attain up to 21 inches in size, making them medium-sized aquarium fish.

These fish have been seen changing their colors from time to time and they could change to many colors such as brown, red, yellow, pale, blue, etc.

They do this voluntarily and sometimes involuntarily. So, if you have these fish, there is every chance that you must have noticed that they have changed colors and if you are not very familiar with this their attitude, you must be wondering what in the world is happening to your fish.

Well, nothing much is happening to them, just a change of color and they will be back to their normal colors that you know them for.

Why Are My Foxface Changing Colors?

As I explained above, Rabbitfish could change their colors either voluntarily or involuntarily due to some reasons which I will explain in a second.

If you want to know why they may do this, then here are the reasons:

1. Lightening system:

One of the reasons why the colors of these fish could change, or at least in our eyes is the type of aquarium lights we operate.

Many fish could simply mimic the colors around them, and apart from that, the color of the light might change how our eyes see the colors of the fish, etc.

Many people who have complained about their fish losing colors usually see the change in color at night because it is either their fish have changed color which so many fish could do at night or the lightning system is the issue here.

2. Stress my trigger color changing

If your fish is Changing, fading, or altering its normal color, then there is every chance that it is stressed.

All fish could do this, including so many other aquatic animals too.

Despite that many fish are aggressive and could act as agents of stress to other fish and other animals, no fish likes to be subjected to stress and when they do, it might have some negative impacts on their health which could lead to fading of colors, change of colors and many more.

So, if your Rabbitfish is changing colors, then you might have to check if there is anything in the tank that is stressing it such as toxins, aggressive tank mates, cold water temperature, etc.

3. Warning Signs of Other Species Threat

Another reason why these fish could change colors is when they are warning others.

Change of color could sometimes be a sign that other fish should stay off their territories or never trespass.

Why Is My Foxface Turning White?

As I explained, they could change to many colors, including red, brown, Yellow, orange, blue and dark, etc.

Foxface turn to White color at night or when they are stressed.

So, if yours turned white, I don’t think you have much to worry about, just find out if they are stressed and correct the issue.

For instance, if the reason for the stress is cold temperature, buy a heater for them and they will be okay.

If it is toxins, then buy water testing kits, test the water regularly and deal with any toxin you detect.

If it is a result of aggression, I would advise you to relocate the aggressive ones.


Rabbitfish could change color when it suits them and for other reasons which might lead them to do it involuntarily.

