
Do Snails Feel Lonely?

I have heard many newbies ask if they could be able to keep a single snail in a tank all by itself and if it will get lonely. Although am not much of a snail fan, but I have kept them for a while to supplement my fish tank, so I think my experience will

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How Often To Feed Mystery Snails

Aquarium Snails eat a lot of food, especially bigger snails like the Mystery snail. Mystery Snails and other types of snails could eat almost anything they could see in their environment, including vegetables, fish foods, rotten plants, Algae, insects, dead animals, etc. If you are reading this article, it means you want to know how

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Do Mystery Snails Like Sand?

Substrates are one of the most important things that are needed by many aquatic animals, in fact, all aquatic animals, including snails. There are many types of substrates such as sand, gravel, etc and they each serve many purposes for aquarium animals. I have read some questions on forums asking if Mystery snails like Sand

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Simple Tips To know Tell If Mystery Snail Eggs Are Fertile (how to tell if snail eggs are fertile)

Not all snails eggs are fertile and will develop into snails. Some snails like the Mystery snail do not reproduce asexually, the female Mystery snails normally need the opposite sex or gender to mate with and store their sperm in order to fertilize their eggs, even in the future. Because female mystery snails could lay

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Why Is My Snail Blowing Bubbles?

Aquarium snails have many interesting characters that may get you confused, and maybe start thinking if everything is alright with them or not. One of the most interesting behaviors of snails is blowing bubbles. Seeing them do that can be very interesting and entertaining too, but if you haven’t seen that before, you may be

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