Neon Tetras Suitable Tank Sizes

Neon tetras are one of the smallest aquarium fish, infact they are considered to be tiny. Although they are tiny, but they are beautiful to have in the home tank, as they are fun to watch. They love being in groups of at least 12 or more fish, and could barely grow up to two inches, unless on a rare occasion. So in this article, we will talk about the tank sizes that could successful harbor this group of fish.

How many Neon tetras in a 60 gallon tank? A tank as big as 60 gallon should comfortably contain 60 neon Tetras.

The fact is, Neon Tetras are small fish and does not require alot of space like other fish in order to thrive and they ain’t aggressive too.

Some of them could only get to 1 inche and some 1.5-1.7 and other are less than an inch, making them very tiny aquarium fish.

Related: Suitable Tank sizes for different number of neon tetras

Generally, neons tank space is calculated by 1 gallon per neon, so depending on the size of the fish, a 60 gallon will contain 55-60 of them.

Another thing about this fish is that they are not aggressive, although they are omnivores just like some other fish, so hence they don’t disturb each other nor are territorial, so they don’t need much tank space to thrive.

Neon Tetra different tank sizes

If you ask us, we would recommend keeping only 55 in a 60 gallon because you will need to add things like plants and caves, which might require some space too.

How Many Neon Tetras Can I Put In A 55 Gallon Tank?

A tank as large as 55 gallon could be able to house 40-55 Tetras.

This is because they are small and needs little space, so they are perfect fish for any tank size.

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So a 55 gallon tank size will contain up to 55 of them, hence at the calculation of 1 gallon per fish.

How Many Neon Tetras In A 36 Gallon Tank?

In a 36 Gallon tank, 30-36 Neon Tetras could be kept in it.

As we explained bet, it all depends on the size of the fish, if they are 1 inch in size, then 36 gallon will contain 36 of them, and if they are an inch plus, then. keeping 30 of them in a 36 gallon is good, as they will have 6 gallon space to move about and also which could contain caves, plants etc.

How Many Tetras Can I Put In A 20 Gallon Tank?

With a 20 tank, you can keep up to 15-20 Tetra, depending on their individual sizes.

But if you ask us, we did say you should make a little more space by keeping only 15 in a 20 gallon tank, so that they have little space, even though they don’t care much about it, but who knows.

How Many Neon Tetras In A 15 Gallon Tank?

A tank size of 15 gallon will be able to house 10-15 neon Tetras.

But keeping a maximum of 10 in a 15 gallon will be very perfect.

How Many Tetras Can I Put In A 10 Gallon Tank?

With a tank size of 10 gallon, you could keep 6-10 Tetras in it, depending on their individual sizes.

Related: Tank sizes for different number of Oscar fish

Judging by the general calculation, an inch Tetra should be housed in a gallon tank etc, so if they are 1 inch in size, then 10 of them could fit in a 10 gallon, but if they are 1.5 or 1.7, then 6 is okay for a 10 gallon etc.

How Many Tetras Can Go In A 6 Gallon Tank?

A 6 gallon tank will be able to house 4-6 Tetras, depending on their sizes.

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