Rainbow SharksTank Sizes

Rainbow Sharks Tank Sizes (How many Rainbow Sharks in a 55 gallon tank?)

Rainbow shark popularly known as the red fin shark is a small fish that has it’s origin from Asia. They are very colorful and beautiful when placed in a home aquarium, that’s why many aquarists love keeping them. Although they are little bit hard to keep, unless you are experienced or have studied about them…

Tank Sizes For Different Number Of Discus Fish

Tank Sizes For Different Number Of Discus Fish( how many Discus should be in a 55 gallon tank?)

A 55 gallon tank is not much of a big tank, as it could only contain a few fish, but if you already have one or planning to get one, according to what your budget could carry, then you could certainly keep some Discus fish in it. Discus is a colorful and beautiful fish, no…

Tank Sizes For Number of Cichlids

Suitable Tank Sizes For Different Number of Cichlids ( how many cichlids should be kept in a 50 gallon tank)

A 50 gallon tank is very small in most cases, depending on what you have in mind to keep in it, but in most cases, a 50 gallon tank could very useful as you can use it to house some fishes. Such fishes includes cichlids. Although there are so many species of cichlids and the…

Pets For 3 Gallon Tank

Pets For 3 Gallon Tank: Which animals could live in a 3 gallon tank?

Keeping Aquatic animals as pet is very interesting, but it could get costly sometimes. I have read people, especially newbies ask on social media and on forums if they could start their aquarium journey with smaller tanks like the 3 gallon tank. Although 3 gallon is very small to keep any aquatic animal permanently, but…