Emy Adams

Am EMY, I have great passion and love for water creatures and animals, in general. My passion led me to create this blog so that I could be able to teach other people my experiences.

Do Pufferfish Play Dead?

As I always say, every fish is unique in its way and behaves differently from other fish, but sometimes some of their behaviors could look similar. One of such behaviors is playing dead or acting as if they are dead by staying still and not moving for a long time, even when poked. This sometimes …

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Can Dottybacks Live Together?

Dottyback or Dottyback fish are groups of saltwater fish in the same family. They are very colorful and could be a sight to see in the saltwater aquarium, but they are very aggressive and territorial, although many are semi-aggressive and territorial too. As a fish keeper, you may have wondered if these fish could be …

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Why Do Pufferfish Make Noise?

Why do Puffer fish make noise? This is one of the questions I have heard many people ask about these fish, and if you are reading this article, it means you want to know why they make noise too, this article will answer your question. Pufferfish are very funny, friendly to people, and also nice …

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Can Aquarium Heater Melt Plastic?

As fish keepers, sometimes we need to keep more than one aquarium for emergency times so that we could transfer some of our fish there, and such emergencies include some fish contracting diseases, being very aggressive, being pregnant, and many more. As a fish keeper, keeping a spare tank is very necessary and due to …

Can Aquarium Heater Melt Plastic? Read More »

Will Aquarium Heater Burn Plants?

Aquarium Heater is an electronic device that is used by Aquarists to keep and maintain warm Aquarium water temperature for tropical Aquarium animals. This device is more like a kitchen water heater but it is not for boiling water but to keep and maintain slightly warmer temperatures in aquariums. Based on how it keeps the …

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