Do Damselfish Jump?

Fish jumping out of the tank is a great problem to many fish keepers and many fish because they sometimes end up dying when they jump out, that’s why many fish keepers will always want to know if the particular fish they want to buy could jump so that they could know if the fish…

Do Damselfish School?

Damselfish are nice fish to keep in the aquarium because of their beauty and colors. There are many species of Damsels and almost all of them are aggressive and territorial, Sometimes they could be seen in groups in the wild and many people think that they could school despite their aggressive nature, but the question…

Can Flowerhorn Bite?

I have gotten questions from some of my loyal readers asking me if Flowerhorn Cichlids could bite and if they are aggressive, etc. Flowerhorn are nice fish to keep in the home or office aquarium and they are a nice site to see because of their flower-like heads and many people love them for that….